The surreal music and sound design made me feel like something was in the room with me the entire time I was watching. It's a great score for a horror short, did you make it yourself or use stock stuff?
Besides that, I really liked the imagery of Cera shoving entertainment and various forms of media into her fragments to try and pacify it, or cover it up. I have a feeling it's meant to signify when certain people are breaking down, and use things like music, literature or video games to distract themselves from the pain.
If I had to get any meaning from the unnerving ending, it'd be that the entertainment isn't helping. She can't hide from the thing that's making her crack and break down, and it spirals, taking over her entire body, leading to a LITERAL breakdown. Related to Cera, I enjoy her look a lot. The spiky black hair almost reminds me of Don't Starve, but the entire look of this short feels unique and not really comparable to anything as a whole. The coloring itself gives me weird dreadful feelings, I have no rational explanation as to why.
I really enjoyed this! You've already got an extensive amount of work put up on here and your work has changed as you've improved, so no need to tell you to keep posting. Keep making what you're making, I really appreciate it.
(That Yume Nikki poster is also appreciated, by the way.)